We have found 11 items matching your search query.

List of Doctors in Zanzibar Al Rahma Hospital Kilimani Road, Zanzibar P.O. Box 281 Tel:255-24-2236715 Dr.Salha Mobile: +255 774-518123 / +255 713-51812 ...

Arusha Medical Center (AAR) P.O. Box 12877 Tel: 255-27-250-1594/250-6849 http://www.aarhealth.com Ithna-Asheri Charitable Hospital P.O. Box 7176 Tel: 255-27-2502320, 2548737 Fax:255-27-2544561 Mobile...
List of Doctors

The American Embassy, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania assumes no responsibility or liability for the professional ability or reputation of the medical professionals, facilities, or air ambulance services whos...
List of Doctors

None of the private clinics listed below provide services comparable to what is available in the United States. However, they are all significantly better than the local public hospitals ...