RE:East African Canvas

The African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights was  established to complement and reinforce the functions of the   African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the African Commission – often referred to as the Banjul Commission), which is a quasi-judicial body charged with monitoring the implementation of the Charter.


The Mission of the Court is to enhance the protective mandate of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights by strengthening the human rights protection system in Africa and ensuring respect for and compliance with the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, as well as other international human rights instruments, through judicial decisions.

The vision of the Court is an Africa with a viable human rights culture.

Core value

The Court bases its core values on the African Charter and other internationally recognized principles of human rights and the promotion of the rule of law. The Court continues to foster and uphold the following core values:

  1.  Judicial independence from any partisanship, bias, influence, whether it comes from States, NGOs, funding agencies or individuals.
  2. Fair and impartial application and interpretation of the provisions of the African Charter, the Protocol, the Rules and other relevant international human rights instruments.
  3. Transparent and ethical accountability in the operations of the Court.
  4.  Fundamental rights of every individual to enjoy basic civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights are upheld.
  5.  Collaboration with relevant stakeholders in pursuance of the Court’s objective of protecting human and peoples’ rights.
  6. Non-discrimination and equality in performance of the work of the Court.
  7. Integrity of the Judges and staff working at the Court.
  8.  Provide equal access to all potential users of the Court.
  9. Be responsive to the needs of those who approach the Court.

 The strategic objects
The Court’s Strategic Objectives emanate from the mandate of the Court and include the following:
1.    Exercise jurisdiction in all cases and disputes brought before it concerning the interpretation and application of the Charter, the protocol and any other relevant instrument relating to human rights ratified by the States concerned;
2.    Collaborate with sub-regional and national judicial bodies to enhance the protection of human rights on the continent;

3.    To enhance the participation of the African People in the work of the Court;
4.    To enhance the capacity of the Registry of the Court to be able to fulfill its mandate; and
5.    To enhance working relationship between the Court and the African Commission


Physical Address:

African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights
Dodoma Road

Mwalimu Julius Nyerere Conservation Centre
P.O. Box 6274
United Republic of Tanzania


+255-732-979 509

+255-732-979 506

Fax: +255-732-979 503


Email: [email protected]
[email protected]  

Le sp?cialiste du voyage safari aventure avec style, sur mesure en Afrique de l’Est, Kenya et Tanzanie, hors des sentiers battus.

Apres plus de 20 ans d’exp?rience comme guide de brousse et chef d’exp?dition en Afrique de l’est et Afrique australe au service de diff?rents tours op?rateurs Fran?ais et suite ? une demande grandissante de mes h?tes durant les circuits j’ai acquis la conviction de vouloir faire partager directement mes coups de c?ur et choix de destinations aupr?s de vous. J’ai pu au fil du temps voir le tourisme aventurier de qualit? dispara?tre pour en arriver aujourd’hui ? du tourisme classique o? l’on privil?gie la quantit?, et la rentabilit? jusqu’? en perdre l’essence du terme d?couverte.