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Address Arusha

Background Information

Pastor Peter Lukumay was caring a certain Maasai girl called Esther who was forced by her mother to get married, immediately after completing class seven. Esther’s father passed away many years ago. The girl flees home and come to me. I went to the police station to report and mobilized some close friends to support the school fees.?  Peter is a widower too since 2007 to date with a 5years baby girl. Peter’s passed away with breast cancer in 2007. Staying with my daughter Rachel as a single parent, serving in an urban poor community with lots of unwanted children, orphans and Esther’s case above made Peter feel a call to help children of this nature. Early 2010 a young man who was drunk, dumped a one and half years baby boy at my apartment. I had to take care of him despite my circumstances. The situation of this baby boy made me feel that the Lord is speaking to me to help children. So I decided to develop a vision to support children especially young girls who are deprived their rights to education because of early marriages, death, divorce and poverty etc.

The founder also supported another boy (Zakayo) at form five and six between 2008/2010 and another boy (Pendael) they are studying.


How did the dream come out?


I Can Foundation (ICF) is founded and registered as a charitable by Pastor Peter Lukumay in 2010 as a response to growing problems affecting children especially girls to the extent of terminating their education due to forced and early marriages and other related problems. The primary focus is to sponsor children school fees at nursery, primary, and technical college levels with special focus to girl child education. I Can Foundation provides awareness education to parents especially to the rural Maasai Communities on the importance of children education. The encourages people around the world with charitable and compassion heart to come to volunteer as well. Maasai is a famous traditional tribe in East Africa. The majority of this tribal group does not have formal education and as a result many children miss the opportunity to get education especially girls due to their strong traditional beliefs. I Can Foundation strongly believes that only through education support is where the real human socio-economic liberation is achieved. With educated communities there are no injustices and oppression practices. Peter did research and presented an 85 page Thesis based in an urban poor community in Arusha – . If you would click here to view.


I Can Foundation Vision


Empowered children educationally


I Can Foundation Mission


I Can Foundation is a nonprofit organization with a mission to support all children living in vulnerable environments which hinder them in attaining their basic education. We expect to achieve all these through commitment, love and trustworthiness to these children and foremost to our God