Edmund Rice Sinon Secondary School is a private Catholic school for young men and women in the Catholic Archdiocese of Arusha and is managed by the Congregation of Christian Brothers East Africa District for the Archdiocese. It was founded in 1988 in two classrooms in the neighbouring Engosengiu Primary school.
Edmund Rice Sinon Secondary School is more than a school. It is a concept that is grounded in universal values and human aspirations such as:
- The human person is made in the image of God.
- Perfection of the human person is successful only in a community context where harmony and respect abound.
- All life is sacred and the dignity of the human person is part of this principle. He/she needs education in the spiritual, physical, intellectual, social and psychological areas of life to mature fully.
- Human beings are caretakers of all natural resources for all generations. Consequently the school is committed to creating programs and practices that are grounded in the above values and aspirations.
A wide range of extra-curricular activities is available to students:
Sports including Football, Netball, Basketball, Volleyball and Table Tennis are most popular sports with Athletics having been introduced recently.
Contact us
Edmund Rice Sinon Secondary School
PO Box 7131, Arusha,
HM +255753860477
DHM (A) +255745757453
DHM (O) +255755007731
Registrar +255754914018
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