We have found 50 items matching your search query.

Institute of Public Administration (IPA), Zanzibar, REG/BMG/

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES – ACADEMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF The Government of the United Republic Tanzania has granted NM-AIST a permit (Ref. No.BC.10/87/01/G/48) to employ 56 academic and admi...

Are a form four leaver and obtained at least 4 Ds in your final examination? Applu now to Study Basic Certificate in Exploration and Mining Geology at a special tuition fee of TZS. 1,4000,000  from T...

Earth Science Institute of Shinyanga (ESIS) is offering basic certificate and diploma training on Exploration and Mining Geology at 51% discount from TZS. 1,850,000/= to 900,000/= for academic year Ja...

Nafasi za masomo utafutaji wa madini ngazi ya cheti na stashada kwa punguzo la 51% kutoka ada ya 1,850,000/=TSh. hadi 900,000/= kwa mwaka kuanzia January 2013. Mwisho wa ofa ni 21/12/2012.Baada ya hap...
ESIS Chuo Cha Madini Default Image

Chuo kinatoa mafunzo katika ngazi ya cheti na diploma katika fani ya Utafutaji na Jiolojia ya Uchimbaji wa Madini (Exploration and Mining Geology) na Elimu ya Mafuta na Gesi (Petroleum Geology) ...